sea side

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat..

I am helping my Boss out this evening and going to pass out treats while he prepares for the NYC Marathon tommorow. Alas not all will be treats, one of my good friends from work is bringing her 10 year old trick or treating and will be bringing Nick by the home where I am helping out...Nick has no idea and since the 2 of us are will be a trick wrapped up as a happy treat! I hope that everyone has a little bit of fun mischief tonight and may the treats be primarily chocolate and there be lots of them!! Enjoy a safe evening and.... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

XO Carolyn

Monday, October 26, 2009

Gratitude List

I think oftern about Gratitude, the role it plays in my life and how that affects how I respond to people and different situations. Since I am new at this I thought I would make a list of a few things I am grateful for.

1. My beautiful Nieces and Nephews- I am especially grateful for Aurora who is also my Goddaughter and brings me such joy everyday

2. The basics in life that are easily taken for granted. I have a warm comfortable roof over my head, my health and wonderful relationships with my family as well as my family of friends.

3. Yoga. I have been getting more and more involved in my practice and love how it makes me feel- inside and out.

4. Walking on the beach which is so medatative and when I walk with a friend, therapeutic too.

This list can go on and on... and is such a beautiful work in progress..

xo Carolyn

Saturday, October 24, 2009

On my mind...

I love being sensitive and I detest it at the same time. Tommorow I am going to have to deal with a very sensitive and to me scary situation. My best friend is having a pumpkin carving soiree at her new house..Lots of fantastic friends and family will be there...unfortunately so will someone who a little over a year ago did some things that hurt me deeply and when I confronted her about them refused to take responsibility and ended all communication with me..while "nurturing" friendships with 2 of my best friends. I know I cannot control who others create friendships with, it is this situation that hurts so much. I have cried about it, talked about it and journalized about this. I take all of my friendships seriously and when the events that hurt my feelings happened I spent alot of alone time thinking on how to handle it- and I know I handled it with love and grace..I feel like I hit closer to this persons truth than I realized.
Truth be told I do not want to go and put myself under undue stress but I also want to face my fear of confrontation. Any advice Ladies?

xo Carolyn

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My First Post!

Okay so this is my first post..I have absolutely no idea of what I am doing but this could be fun..right?
Tonight I watched an old fave "Two for the Road" I love that movie, kind of edgy and very sixties..