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Monday, April 26, 2010

Rainy Days....

Ah it's Monday and rainy...I think tonight will be the perfect evening to snuggle in and settle down with "Tranquilista" and a hot cup of's my third time reading this book and I have learned so much and each time I pick it up I learn something new. I am also happy because I finally found a yummy yoga studio in my Boyfriends town! Yay! It is called Stone Yoga and is located in Teaneck, NJ..we went to scope out the location and serendipitously the lovely Charlotte Stone was there- she gave us a tour of the studio, goodies and a schedule. I think I am going to like it there...I am one lucky girl- I have 2 studios I can call my yoga home!! Bonne Nuit..xoxo


  1. love tranquilista! that's awesome that you found a yoga studio near your boyfriend. what kind of goodies did she give you?? :) hugs!!

  2. LOL! I know you love Tranquilista as much as I do! Charlotte gave us promotional hand sanitizer and pens..little treats :-) the studio is great though! I am looking forward to practicing there!! xoxo Hugs Back!

  3. That sounds great.. I found a new restuarant today.. I took Claudia out for lunch sans kids (similar to how you feel when you do yoga is how we feel when we have lunch with no kids)..
    Although I think we have to take Miller there!
    it's a firehouse place! YUMMY!

  4. I hear you Kat! Maybe next time I visit East Hampton we can go there for lunch..Fireplace Restaurant and the Red Door...BLISS!! The one thing that would make the day utopian would be one of Julie's facials!! PS Tell Miller I love and miss him

  5. very nice...jersey and CT and new york right in between...a perfect balance which is just what you are striving for!

  6. I LOVE that book!! I'm reading it for the second time myself. And have just started her first book Hip Tranquil Chick. I've learnt so much! Starting meditation classes tonight - all as a result of Tranquilista!

  7. I am right there with you on Tranquilista! I think I've read it like 10 times. I feel like I always pick up something new each time.

  8. I've never read that book, but I'll have to check it out! YAY that you found a new yoga studio. I love yoga too. It's always so exciting for me to find a new class that I love.

    It's cold and gloomy here today too and I wish I were curled up on the couch with a great book! Enjoy your day.


  9. @Valerie I highly highly recommend it. Such a fantastic book definitely a complements Kimberly's first book "Hip Tranquil Chick"
