sea side

Friday, December 11, 2009

The weekend....

The weekend is finally here after a week of challenges and oodles of holiday activities I am looking forward to a Friday evening filled with peace and quiet activities like Holiday Card writing and perhaps finally seeing "Julie & Julia" tommorow will be filled with friends and soiree's galore. What are you doing this weekend Lovelies??


  1. i celebrated a friends birthday, spent some quality time with a friend i haven't seen in months, baked some cookie from scratch with ryan, got in some snuggle time with the pets, and did a little holiday shopping. hope you had a fabulous weekend darling! hugs!!

  2. I loved Julie and Julia...the whole crowd at the theater did. They clapped when it was over :)

  3. Melita, I saw the pics from your friends Birthday on your blog. Looked like such a wonderful time was had by all! Cookies from scratch,I wish I were that talented! I enjoyed a relaxing weekend as well :-)
    Elizabeth, I laughed and cried (I am such an empath!)and loved every single moment of this movie. I am happy that you enjoyed it as well
